Friday, July 15, 2016

Taking Risks

Going Out On a Limb

Too many times do I find myself thinking about possibilities of business ventures, potential relationships, YouTube ideas, among many other topics.

The next step to thinking about an idea is to write it down.  It's in the physical pen to paper habit that concretes the idea into reality.  It helps to visualize the goal and work towards it in a tangible way. This way it can also be posted on a bathroom mirror or office space.  (I like to use a vision board).  TweetMe some of the ways that work for you.

Brainstorming is great and all but putting ideas into action is the key to success.— Ty Swank (@tswank99) July 15, 2016

Visualizing the ideas/goals are crucial to stay on the course to completing the tasks at hand in order to follow through with the goals.  It's all about the end game people.  The last mile on the road to success is never bombarded.

The final step is to cross off items on your list to stay on track with the goal.  It's easy to get discouraged while completing something worthwhile.  There will be obstacles but staying on course and crossing off items as a way to reward yourself for small successes is a profound way to keep the pace.

Best of luck to all.  Don't ever give up.
If you like these ideas, please share them.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Nutrition for Energy

Energy Crisis Mode

I've been dealing with insomnia for 7 years now.  It has progressively gotten worse as time goes on.  Since sleep is cumulative, something has to give.  

Since it's it's extremely important to get rest at night, I've exhausted many resources including various blood tests, sleeping aides, exercise, yoga, meditation, therapy, etc.  The blood tests return at normal levels, the sleep aides might work for a couple hours, and exercise tends to help a little.

How does one alleviate deprivation mode?

I decided to explore my diet and nutrition habits.  Researching is a huge hobby of mine, so it didn't take long to come up with some possible solutions.

This regiment has helped me get an average of 4-5 hours of sleep per night:
  • Meat is extremely hard for the body to digest, so I gave it up.
  • B-vitamins (especially B12) are crucial to increase energy levels during the day.  Since I have more energy during the day, I get more done and am wiped out by bedtime.
      • Methylcobalamin is more absorbent than Cyanocobalamin as -methyl is derived from food sources.
  • GABA helps to control nerve impulses and helps to slow down brain activity.
  • Calcium and vitamin D combos help the body to absorb nutrition.  (Vitamin D is also a natural anti-depressant for anyone on that spectrum of health issues).
  • I turn off electronic devices at least 30 minutes prior to retiring.
  • If I have a sleepless night, reading and going for short walks help occasionally.
These routines have improved my physical and mental health due to getting more shut eye. I hope that everyone gets the sleep they need tonight and every night.

Until next time, 


Monday, July 4, 2016

Are We Really Free?

Freedom Came At a Cost

Independence Day is a significant moment in history for the United States.  It means that we are a free nation to make our own rules. This day gives us all time to reflect on those who paved the way to grant us the ability to enjoy our lives as we know it today.

Freedom wasn't free.  Thomas Jefferson and many others had to sacrifice much of their time and personal liberty in order for our country to prosper.  The U.S. military goes to bat for us continuously fighting for our civil liberties.

It seems as though people in our society are becoming soft.  We've become soft in the sense that the price has already been paid for all of us.  Most of us don't even bother to concern ourselves with the details of the price tag for our freedom.

The moral of the story is that we should all be grateful for the sacrifices of our ancestors and those who continue to help keep this wonderful country afloat, also amazing, on a daily basis.

Spend time with your family.  Appreciate one another.  Feed the homeless. Do whatever you can to make this world a little more free.  If we all make an effort, the possibilities of a more peaceful existence will be among us.

Have a blessed one and remember what makes this day meaningful.  US. United.