Monday, August 1, 2016

Bless Yourself, Change Course

There's a very simple solution

I woke up this morning with a desire to be in Chicago.  It's a vast land of opportunity, leisure, some of the best cuisine, and unbeatable scenery.  Since I'm not shining bright like a diamond in the financial realm, it was time to bust out the cellular and glance at my bank ledger.
Upon clicking on the banking mobile app, I held my breath in anticipation. The dollar amount seemed accurate but the figure wasn't very impressive, so this was a perfect opportunity to explore debits and credits (yay accounting).  It's looking like the backyard will have to suffice for the time being.
It took all of five minutes to find out that I had spent nearly $600 on miscellaneous purchases within the last 2 months. (Miscellaneous items are outside of the necessities such as rent, groceries, phone bill, etc.) None of these purchases were pricey items like a television or a new MacBook Pro either, so where did all that money go?
  • eating out
  • vending machine money for work
  • gum
  • Sobe LifeWater
  • festivities
  • shopping at thrift stores and Dollar General
Although in theory most of this could be relatively affordable to an impoverished person, I'm apparently lacking self control in the financial department because these things are expensive for my taste.  I go hard.
With this new found knowledge of a self-diagnosed "borderline stupidity disorder", it has never been more clear that I need to tame my inner child and focus on flexing that adulting muscle everyone has been raving about...
In the effort to bulk up my wallet and travel profusely, I have decided to do the opposite of the above list in bullets:
  1. eating out       MEAL PREP
  2. vending machine money for work      NO ATM ZONES
  3. gum       ICE CUBES
  4. Sobe LifeWater       H2O
  5. festivities      BLOG/SNAPCHAT/VLOG/NETFLIX
  6. shopping at thrift stores and Dollar General        GO FOR A RUN
What habits would you like to get rid of or create?
Is there anything specific that helps you through this process?
How does one stay the course?
Until next time.  Stay blessed

Friday, July 15, 2016

Taking Risks

Going Out On a Limb

Too many times do I find myself thinking about possibilities of business ventures, potential relationships, YouTube ideas, among many other topics.

The next step to thinking about an idea is to write it down.  It's in the physical pen to paper habit that concretes the idea into reality.  It helps to visualize the goal and work towards it in a tangible way. This way it can also be posted on a bathroom mirror or office space.  (I like to use a vision board).  TweetMe some of the ways that work for you.

Brainstorming is great and all but putting ideas into action is the key to success.— Ty Swank (@tswank99) July 15, 2016

Visualizing the ideas/goals are crucial to stay on the course to completing the tasks at hand in order to follow through with the goals.  It's all about the end game people.  The last mile on the road to success is never bombarded.

The final step is to cross off items on your list to stay on track with the goal.  It's easy to get discouraged while completing something worthwhile.  There will be obstacles but staying on course and crossing off items as a way to reward yourself for small successes is a profound way to keep the pace.

Best of luck to all.  Don't ever give up.
If you like these ideas, please share them.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Nutrition for Energy

Energy Crisis Mode

I've been dealing with insomnia for 7 years now.  It has progressively gotten worse as time goes on.  Since sleep is cumulative, something has to give.  

Since it's it's extremely important to get rest at night, I've exhausted many resources including various blood tests, sleeping aides, exercise, yoga, meditation, therapy, etc.  The blood tests return at normal levels, the sleep aides might work for a couple hours, and exercise tends to help a little.

How does one alleviate deprivation mode?

I decided to explore my diet and nutrition habits.  Researching is a huge hobby of mine, so it didn't take long to come up with some possible solutions.

This regiment has helped me get an average of 4-5 hours of sleep per night:
  • Meat is extremely hard for the body to digest, so I gave it up.
  • B-vitamins (especially B12) are crucial to increase energy levels during the day.  Since I have more energy during the day, I get more done and am wiped out by bedtime.
      • Methylcobalamin is more absorbent than Cyanocobalamin as -methyl is derived from food sources.
  • GABA helps to control nerve impulses and helps to slow down brain activity.
  • Calcium and vitamin D combos help the body to absorb nutrition.  (Vitamin D is also a natural anti-depressant for anyone on that spectrum of health issues).
  • I turn off electronic devices at least 30 minutes prior to retiring.
  • If I have a sleepless night, reading and going for short walks help occasionally.
These routines have improved my physical and mental health due to getting more shut eye. I hope that everyone gets the sleep they need tonight and every night.

Until next time, 


Monday, July 4, 2016

Are We Really Free?

Freedom Came At a Cost

Independence Day is a significant moment in history for the United States.  It means that we are a free nation to make our own rules. This day gives us all time to reflect on those who paved the way to grant us the ability to enjoy our lives as we know it today.

Freedom wasn't free.  Thomas Jefferson and many others had to sacrifice much of their time and personal liberty in order for our country to prosper.  The U.S. military goes to bat for us continuously fighting for our civil liberties.

It seems as though people in our society are becoming soft.  We've become soft in the sense that the price has already been paid for all of us.  Most of us don't even bother to concern ourselves with the details of the price tag for our freedom.

The moral of the story is that we should all be grateful for the sacrifices of our ancestors and those who continue to help keep this wonderful country afloat, also amazing, on a daily basis.

Spend time with your family.  Appreciate one another.  Feed the homeless. Do whatever you can to make this world a little more free.  If we all make an effort, the possibilities of a more peaceful existence will be among us.

Have a blessed one and remember what makes this day meaningful.  US. United.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Natural Anti Depressant

Kids, The Cure

As a person who hardly ever sleeps more than an hour at a time, it is difficult to be positive, let alone level-headed.  To help alleviate some of the negativity I fill out a gratitude list every morning/afternoon since it's generally hard to get out of bed.

Gratitude becomes easier as I fill out a paper daily.  I started out being able to write down only one of two items to appreciate about my life.  Slowly, but surely I'm able to write down roughly ten items daily.  (pats self on the back).

Children are my number one joy in life.  They are so free-spirited and not jaded by life situations.  Kids are extremely impressionable and I'm very happy to have a wonderful niece and nephew to call family.  These magical creatures of joy give a profound sense of purpose.  Suddenly my life feels lighter and more joyful!  I am more focused on taking care of them rather than always concentrating on myself.   

The key is progress.  It's one thing to think positive thoughts and attempt to keep track of them in the mind.  It's a whole other perspective to write a daily 'grateful journal' if you will.  Anyone that is challenged with mental health issues or just negative emotional problems should definitely fill out a list of things in which to appreciate the life you've been given.

There is nobody quite like you and no two people are alike.  This is something to love about life right off the bat.  The possibilities are endless.  It'd be pretty boring to walk around seeing all the same personalities, goals, dreams, desires.

Change starts with making a simple choice to accept greatness into your life and my life as well.  

Share with me how you stay positive or become positive over time. Let's lift each other up and remind ourselves constantly that this too shall pass, good and bad.

Love your life, 


Follow Me:
Snapchat: swankster07


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Freedom of Expression

It's devastating to think that it's not safe to express ourselves in our modern day society.

The recent attack at the Orlando nightclub has left us all wondering: was it an act out of hatred or a terrorist message?  Hopefully this question will be answered in an appropriate way.

The NRA defends the 2nd Amendment, which begs a very important question: are there enough regulations concerning weapons and their attainability?  My response is no.  Sure, convicted felons aren't allowed to carry weapons, but who's to say that citizens aren't purchasing guns for the unlawful?  There needs to be stricter rules in place that lower the probability of these attacks to occur. "Guns don't kill people, people kill people".  Although it's a valid argument, hatred and poor education at home lead to acts of violence.

It's alright to disagree with a group of people but let's debate with each other rather than resorting to violence that doesn't solve anything.  We should be coinciding as a nation, not tearing each other apart.  Freedom of choice is wonderful IN A RESPONSIBLE FORM.

Vote for those in November 2016 who abide my morals rather than than personal choice. The evidence is pretty clear in that there should be more predominant regulations.

Best wishes all,


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Don't Miss It

Is It Too Late?

As a collective society, humans tend to focus on themselves and their immediate group of people (family, friends, co-workers).  
Some of us go about our days focusing on the current tasks/obstacles at hand.  I'm not saying it's wrong, but what happens in the meantime with those anti-social folks that our busyness tends to ignore?

Mental health is an increasingly discussed and researched topic as we are seeing more tragedies and losses due to the malfunctioning of the brain structure.  People associated with mental health issues seem to be set aside from those whom are 'emotionally stable'.  

The above mentioned screams attention to the fact that everyone in our society should be more adamant with treating and supporting those who suffer daily with emotional/mental issues.  Support groups and discussions are simple ways to help alleviate some of the side effects of disorders such as bipolar or chronic depression.

"Start at home with understanding and being the most emotionally available to those who need it"

Simple Ways to Balance Emotions
  1. Check in daily with everyone in your household (over a meal)
  2. Avoid distractions such as mobile devices or TV while conversing with each other. 
  3. Pet therapy is alright as a substitute for people if there is nobody in your home.
  4. Express yourself as much as possible.
  5. Consider going to a therapist.
  6. Read a book when feeling down.  It's a great way to temporarily 'escape' the negative mind chatter. 
The old adage is very prevalent to this topic of emotional stability, and here's a spin on it:
"Misery loves company, yet happiness does as well".

Live your best life possible.  Choose greatness. We're all on Earth temporarily so make it count.


Snapchat: swankster07 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Look For The Best


Everything in our lives require a choice.  These choices being with thoughts, which lead to action, and ultimately end up as our reality.

In this spirit, I've chosen to think only positive thoughts.  Something wonderful is going to happen in my life today.

I woke up today after working a 12 hour shift last night.  My thought process was very foggy and also negative.  I was so wired from having to stay up for so long.  My brain was on overload and I hardly slept at all.  Even though sleep deprivation is very common for me, it doesn't warrant a bad attitude.  So I resorted to my gratitude list.

I didn't feel like writing down anything at all in which to be thankful.  It took me a minute to consider the idea that I can be grateful during a low point in my mindset.  IT'S ALL A CHOICE.

Before I knew it there were six items that I appreciated:
  1. Compassion for the elderly
  2. My youth and ability to endure
  3. Having and able body and mind
  4.  Thankful that my grandparents are still alive
  5. Appreciation for my ability to make people laugh
  6. I can talk and relate to anyone
I am proof that anybody can be grateful give the right attitude.  Choose to be amazing & you just might surprise yourself.  You might even inspire others.  Possibility is everywhere; keep searching for your purpose.

Best wishes all

Peace For All

Let's Get Along

It's unfortunate that the wonderful United States of America is the target of hateful groups that want to harm us. Citizens and immigrants alike reside in this country longing to fulfill dreams and live ordinary, along with extraordinary lives.

Organized religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. shouldn't persuade anyone to make harmful decisions that affect our entire nation. Too many times does a group of people suffer from the acts of an idea that another group is superior to the other

Again, if were all here to have freedom, how is it alright for a group to decide on the goal/status of our unique and powerful way of life as a whole nation? Hate doesn't solve anything as it only makes a situation worse.

I don't hate any religion or group of people as I seek to understand the motives behind their behaviors. Face value is just as it implies: AN IMAGE! Let's not be quick to judge a book by its cover.

Let us all live like we're on a playground kicking through the sand and focusing on our own adventures. We don't have to agree, but we should be acting in a civil manner. After all, part of being an adult is growing up and continuing to learn as we age. It's all temporary; don't take everything so seriously.

Namaste all. Live your best life

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Heat Wave

Splash Away Your Worries

90° days warrant an extensive day at a water park. It's official Michigan, summer is here! Let's keep it this way forever.

My sister and I have always been really great friends, so it's natural that we ventured to a 'Flash Flood' with my niece in toe. Since the little nugget is only 2 years old, we weren't sure how much adventure was in store.

Her apprehension started our little journey into the water..this could potentially be a disaster & a meltdown waiting to happen.

The complete opposite occurred during our stay. She had a blast! People everywhere and floating devices for days amazed her to end. So much so that she was paralyzed for a few minutes in sensory overload.

My sister and I also had a really good time, especially watching her daughter splash around the soaked city. It was also a prime opportunity to utilize an important tool:  Snapchat :)

Michigan weather isn't usually the greatest, so every wonderful day elicits an activity outdoors. 

When they say 'make all your days seem like the last one', we hit that nail on the head today. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Respect Yourself

Everybody Deserves It

Imagine waking up at 3am and not being able to sleep. There are a million thoughts processing through the brain, new ones and old.  The idea of reminiscing isn't only for good memories but also for the bad..or is it?  Constant turmoil and over-analyzing flood the neuro pathway structure in the brain.

Now think of that same sleepless event happening every single night.  That happens to yours truly, and it has been occurring for around 7 years now.  Some days it's nearly impossible to get out of bed.  My body wants to stay at rest all day, even though that doesn't promise any sort of sleep.  It's extremely debilitating at times.

Having said the above mentioned, the sleep deprived Ty can function fairly well.  Some days I'm even full of positive energy.  Most of it is forced..or at least was forced, until it became an automatic response to my life.

The moral of my story is this:  We're all going through struggles which is why we should all respect each other.  You may not know what I'm going through, just like I may not know that you suffer from bipolar disorder.  

Respect and decency starts with myself.  I have to take care of my body, even though my body doesn't always take care of me.  Self care is accomplished by eating a healthy vegetable and fruit-forward diet, minimal processed foods, exercise, lots of water, and gratitude.  Sure, some days are better than others with the dieting.  That's alright, get back on the wagon asap.

I've found that forcing myself to compliment others when I'm feeling down or lifeless helps distract me from that mode of being to promoting their self image and raising mine at the same time. Win-win.

Pass it along and share this post.  Respect one another.


Follow Me:
Snapchat: swankster07

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Life Taught Me Well

Quiet Desperation

It's said that the teacher is quietest during the test.  This couldn't be more relevant today. 

I woke up today wondering how I ended up in the position I am in life.  It isn't an unhealthy analysis, just meant to reflect on past experiences, mistakes, and successes.  All these elements add up to the current situation.

In the past I've avoided these elements by telling myself that it'll 'all work out.'  Yeaaa, about that.  Come to find out, it doesn't operate that way at all.  Life is mostly all choice. I can choose to be happy, choose to make better/different decisions, pick friends that are motivated and people that I aspire to be.  It's also said that a person is the average of the top 5 friends in which they spend the most time.

In that spirit, it's detrimental for me to choose people that are more advanced and further along in their journey than I am.  I'm not trying to be hard on myself, but it's part of the growth process.  I can get depressed or choose to learn from the scars and bruises that are inevitable in this lifetime.  It's alright because the hurt and pain only make me stronger. That is my mindset.

This is an intentional decision to create a better life for myself and others. It's my hope and dream to further our current world into a place where everyone feels loved and accepted.

It'll help us all produce better outcomes for our futures. Be positive through the storms and continue that spirit throughout the successes as well.  

Best wishes to all,


Follow Me:
Snapchat: swankster07

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Support Our Future Society

The Upcoming Generation
As a person who loves dealing with children, it is extremely detrimental in our society to hone in on their creativity.  Let me explain why:
  1. They are most impressionable from birth to the age of 18.  This is an opportunity to foster their environment in a positive way.  Educators and parents alike are responsible for this impact.  Also, people like myself who enjoy enriching their lives.
  2. Education is key to their development.  It's in learning numbers, letters, and colors that kick-start their ability to extend their knowledge in other areas such as communication with those around them and expressing themselves in a positive way.
  3. Children are our future society.  They will become our engineers, technologists, educators, and our law enforcement.  The more we teach them, the more they are going to think critically.  Weighing out options and prioritizing are more likely to be their knowledge base.
My favorite part of  expressing opinions and ideas on a blog is the sharing in hopes that we will live in a productive way so that our children and their little ones will be productive and advance the world in a positive way.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.  Namaste.
Best wishes all,
Follow Me:
Snapchat: swankster07

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Family Trip Detour

My sister, nephew, niece, and I packed up our beach towels, sunscreen, bathing suits, and ventured onto the road toward a water park an hour from home. Upon arrival we noticed plenty of children running around the soaked out city of wonder along with several staff members attempting to keep track of all the activity happening around them.

As we entered the ticketing part of the facility, the receptionist proceeded to tell us that the park was closed.  We asked her why children and staff were soaking up the sun and enjoying the water attractions.  Her response was that the facility doesn't open until the week after the holidays, the current one being Memorial Day.  Come to find out, the group had rented out the building for the day.
Pretty strange response. 

It's funny that even Google thought the water park was open. I clearly expressed my frustration with the lady (politely), offering Google's name up in concern to the false advertising, given we had driven an hour to get there.  She asked us to wait so that she could "verify our information" and apologized as she knew we were correct.  We got free passes for our next visit as a remorse offering.

So, we ended up at a garage sale, got the kids some toys, and headed to a zoo.  We were all fairly pleased with the experience. Long story short, make the best of every situation.  Life is too short to be angry enough to let it ruin a day, a week, or even longer.  Let it go and move in.  That's what we did and it turned out well.

Best wishes all,


Follow Me:
Snapchat: swankster07

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Dream Big and Love the Process

I watched an inspiring message today that brought forth many emotions, reminding me that if I do something, there's a chance to succeed or fail.  Either way, at the very least, I tried. That's all that truly matters. 

Life is a series of choices: speak up or shut up, say yes or say no, go for a run or lay on the couch. We all have 24 hours in a day. Some choose to fill every second of the day, while others choose to waste it all away (It's my inner rapper).

The results of our choices are somewhat predictable, but often times unpredictable as well.  The ripple effect of our decisions go on for years and ultimately affect the rest of our lives.  The problem is when we fail to realize that our actions also affect those around us, especially our loved ones.  Actions carry heavy weight compared to our words or thoughts, so we need to think carefully so that our words lead to actions that are worthy of our loved one's attention.  Mindfulness is key to a healthy life experience.

Since I always speak my mind, blogging is super easy. I've never been the journaling type, but I do love writing. Blogging to me is a hybrid of the two expressions. It's also great that I ramble because there's always a million things on my mind at any given moment, so I hope that at least one sentence means something to somebody. That is my wish. I dream big, live out loud, speak passionately, and very rarely apologize unless I'm severely wrong. 

If you need an honest opinion on a topic/situation, I'm your guy. Let's talk possibility, be real, and be human. Life is a choice, choose wisely


Thankful Reminders

At the moment, I work at a care home.  There are a variety of residents that live in the facility.  People range from complete independence to complete care, including emotional support and step by step prompts.  Talking with these folks can be like putting together a puzzle; some of their words must be pieced together in order to gather a complete, comprehensible story.

Today was slower pace in terms of physical labor.  I worked in the memory care unit with residents who suffer from dementia and alzheimer's disease.  At first glance, these people seem to be completely lost. There is no depth beyond their eyes.  It can be extremely hard to relate and communicate with these individuals at times.  Then it dawned on me:  regardless of mental ability and emotional stability, every human needs to be cared for and deserving of love.

In that spirit, I talk to them like friends and relatives.  It's extremely liberating for me to feel wanted and also to support people who can't take care of themselves.  This may seem selfish to some, but it helps me to feel validated and useful.

I took care of this woman tonight whom can't take care of herself at all.  She needed help using the restroom, getting washed up, and placed in her bed for the evening.  After I had snuggled her into blankets at said good night, she thanked me.  I told her she was welcome.  Then she said, "thank you for being so nice".  It literally broke my heart.  Thoughts rushed throughout my brain:  are other aides treating her well or is she just being appreciative?

It becomes to discern whether or not these residents are expressing coherent thoughts or saying things based on past experiences.  It's not always easy, but the job can be very rewarding.  These people trust me to care for them and I love taking care of them.  The way I see it, it's a win-win.

This world needs more compassion and empathy.  Please donate to an alzheimer's fund or volunteer at a local care home. It's so wonderful to see outsiders who care enough to reach out to people who have contributed to our society for many decades.  We would want the same for ourselves, so do it for those who have put in the time.

This is my wish for a better world.
Best wishes all,


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Friday, May 27, 2016

Walk With Me

Perspective Over Opinion

I'd like to take this time out to send kudos out to those who are dealing with physical challenges/mental disorders OR those dealing with loved ones under these circumstances.

I've always been a person who could get along with many groups of people.  Gender, physical capabilities, sexual preferences, political stances, religion choices, etc. have never been able to stop me from being a friend to somebody. Character, class, positive attitude, respect for the human condition, and empathy are much more detrimental to me.

It's hard to be open-minded at times, but it's preferable over losing out on a relationship of any kind because of a difference that doesn't matter in the scheme of life.  Is it really important that a person chooses to dress vintage, consignment, or Valentino?  Better yet, does it matter that a person is gay, straight or somewhere in between?

Modern world or not, people should be accepted whether they have Down Syndrome, bipolar disorder, are paraplegic, or have HIV.  We are all on this planet to co-exist.  Acceptance is key in an already chaotic atmosphere known as Earth.  Sure, it's alright to disagree with a sexual preference.  Does it mean you should avoid a wonderfully giving person because of that preference or pre-disposition?  My opinion is no.

Abstract thinking runs my perspective.  Artistic ability, visual stimuli, multi-tasking, and a free spirited attitude control my every ounce of being.  I choose to be accepting and appreciate character over a person's personal preference or disability.  

Love one another and choose character.




List Out Happy Events

Two weeks ago, I started a gratitude list on a piece of paper along with a pen.  I know what you're probably thinking...who does this anymore?  This guy. Let me explain why.

Too many people these days rely on technology to communicate their feelings, social skills, opinions, hate, love, and everything in between.  Pen and paper have allowed me to express myself in a way that communicates to my soul.  There are no comments, likes, or shares in the process.  The only person am in competition is with the person I was yesterday.  Pen to paper is known to effectively transfer information from visual to mental processing more easily and is ingrained deeper into memory.

In an ongoing effort to remain grateful, I list at least three items in the morning upon waking up.  The first day, it was somewhat difficult to think of three things (pretty sad).  This set off a light bulb in my head that said, "You need to be doing this more than ever Ty".  As days passed, it became easier to think of more and more in which to be grateful.  It's known that the more one is grateful, the more there is to be grateful for.

I've been increasingly depressed since I can remember.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.  This gratitude list has shown me several things including:

1) I'm an extremely resilient person to have survived this long with     emotional issues.

2) Even in the darkest moments, there are plenty of reasons to be         grateful.

3) There are plenty of individuals who have it worse than I do.

4) I'm a loving, supportive person of those less fortunate,             children, the elderly, and dogs.

5) I have gifts that are unique to me. There is no other Tyrus.

I could go on forever.  This dude has the gift of gab and I could speak for weeks on end if I could be sleep deprived long enough to accomplish the tasks at hand.

Everyone deserves to be loved.  So if you're reading this and feel like your life has no purpose, please trust me when I say that life is worth it and the problems you're facing are temporary.  Don't get me wrong, this doesn't minimize your current situation.  It's just that sometimes it takes time to get through a tunnel of darkness, especially with heavy traffic.  Yes, your proverbial cars tires might be flat, but there's always a spare in the trunk or someone nearby in the traffic to help fix the damaged tires.

Keep going and never give up.  It's not over until the end, and end doesn't mean there's not a detour to take on a different path.

Best wishes all,


Reach out to me:

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Living It Up in a Corn Field

Road Trip to Indiana

Summer time is finally upon us and the weather is starting to transform my whole being.  The flowers are blossoming, the grass is growing again, the birds are chirping, and I'm done hibernating inside under a warm comforter.
My sister and I decided this was a perfect opportunity to venture into Indiana.  Half our family lives in the corn state, so we have no problem finding things to do.  My niece and nephew came along with us, and they are little spit fires, so they definitely kept us busy.  They were able to run across acres of field in our grandparents back yard without worry of high traffic rates and other dangers.  It's more care free living in the good 'ol country.
There's nothing better than spending time with children and our elderly grandparents.  The kids are great at occupying us (and sometimes driving us bonkers), while our grandparents are wonderful at keeping our lives in perspective.
Land for Days
It's so peaceful here.  I can think, breathe, and take all of the nature and scenery into every ounce of my being.  This doesn't happen enough in the city.  I lived in Ann Arbor for several years.  The lifestyles in the city are so much more distracting and fast-paced.  That makes it more difficult to appreciate the small things.  Don't get me wrong, the city is wonderful.  It's also great to slow down.
When I was a child, Indiana seemed more boring than it is today.  Apparently go-go-go was more preferable at an impressionable age.  It's with age that I want to stop and smell the roses more often.  Rushing around is no longer my go-to method.
So in conclusion, I'm a city boy at heart, but I love the country as well.  The city is my prime time & I'll save the country for the golden years.
Crisp Sunset
Live your best life,

Life is short; make the best of every situation

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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Optimal Living

Healthy Food

Food prepping allows my body and mind to connect. I make healthier choices when I take the time to prep my meals in advance.

Healthier food allows my body to function at an optimal level, balancing nutrition and mobility. 

This is where meditation and yoga come into play. Meditation allows my body, mind, and spirit connect in a way that allows for more efficiency in life: from communication skills to seizing other opportunities that I may otherwise miss, due to lack of sleep, depression, etc.

 Meditation allows for focus and concentration on internal conflicts/resolutions. Different pathways in the brain are formed. I can never, nor want, to go back to my old self. This is a higher form of being, and I choose excellence.

Yoga is very beneficial as well. It's helpful for my musculoskeletal system, which needs improvement. Also, I can feel tension releasing in places I couldn't imagine in my drunken stooper.

 My intention now is to live the best life possible, healthy LIFE so as to assist others in reaching their goals. Giving back is very important in a world full of chaos.



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Friday, May 20, 2016

Vegan Protein Before Workouts

Vegan veggie protein shakes are a great way to fuel up before a workout. This one has a muscle recovery blend of plant based omegas. It's perfect because my body is screaming at me since I started @21dayfixprogram 

I've overcome poor mental and emotional health this year, traveled to my dream place (LA), started a blog and website, got in the past shape of my life. Anything is possible with the right attitude. Consistent exercise is the best thing to do when feeling down and out. Distract the mind, get positive results, and keep trucking on towards those goals. I'm doing it and so can you!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

No Meat Zone!

It's been over a month since I've consumed any form of meat, with the exception of seafood.  This would be coined as a pescatarian diet.  Here's why I made the decision:

DISCLAIMER:  Meat isn't necessarily wrong, this is an experiment.

The past 7 years I've been battling increasing insomnia, more difficulty forming ideas, and general lack of energy.  Every prescription drug and over-the-counter remedy have been prescribed and recommended.  I've tried exercise, meditation, yoga, reading before bed, eating a clean diet with virtually no processed foods, you name it.

It would seem as though I was running out of options.  The next decision I could make would be to change some other part of my diet.  I worked for Whole Foods Market for over 3 years and the experience there taught me many valuable health ideas, one of them being special dieting based on allergies.  I learned over time that meat and dairy are the toughest items for the human body to digest.

The next logical step was to eliminate meat from the diet.  The first couple weeks was challenging in the sense that many of my meals consisted of selecting a piece of meat and forming the rest of the meal around the meat choice.  The process in my mind had to reverse in order to make the meal 'seem complete'.

The first selections in the meal were to be vegetables, fruit, and/or starch.  The possibilities of meal options started to unfold left and right.  Come to find out, ridding meat in the diet is surprisingly simple, especially with all the vegan options available in stores.

Fast forward to a little over one month meat-free:
I'm starting to sleep roughly 2 more consecutive hours per night on average, my energy level is more level rather than dipping continuously throughout the day after a meaty meal.  This to me is a successful mission.

To anyone feeling off on a continual basis, I'd suggest starting with your diet.  Along with exercising, making better choices for YOUR body can help mold a more successful future in your health.  Give it a try, there's nothing to lose.

Best to all,


My Video Life


Yesterday proved to be fairly challenging as far as mindset and accomplishing my daily goals of creating a website, blogging, and promoting my social media.

It all started out well.  Everything was flowing, ideas were popping up left and right, the website was working in my favor.  Then, there was something challenging that surfaced with the website developing.  Since this is a new avenue for me, you'd think I would be patient with myself, right?  Not a chance.

I was trying to put social media widget links on my blog.  It requires HTML codes, formatting, the nine.  It took longer than I expected, and it was frustrating.

At the end of what seemed like 2 hours, really only took 45 minutes.  The point is that drama has no place in the world of success.  Mindset is 80% of the battle.  It's extremely crucial in achieving goals.

The website is developed and the process wasn't all that serious.  Now, I have to manage it with a positive attitude.

Here's to success.  Have a great one all of you.


More thoughts and ideas:

Other Blog Site

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Detroit Portfolio

Going into my teenage years, standing in front of a camera was a novelty thought: the attention, preparation, glam, all of it sounded very desirable.
I love photography and dressing up, so it must be easy, right?  

My friend Janae is a model and was traveling to Detroit for a photo shoot.  We gathered up our outfit changes, and ventured out to the D.

The city of Detroit has a variety of scenery that captivates the attention of my creative eye.  The photographer suggested an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city.  

I had the impression that a photo shoot consisted of a 30 minute segment of shots narrowed down, photoshopped and plastered on cover pages of a magazine.  

As if it were that easy.  The entire shoot lasted around 5 hours, ended up with 240 pictures, those were narrowed down to 20 pictures.  

This doesn't guarantee any sort of promotion, exposure, or revenue of any sort.  

So in short, it was a valuable experience and I'm very proud of myself for going through with it.

Will I be disappointed if I don't end up on the cover of GQ?  Probably not.  Although it would be amazing.

It was still a dream come true nonetheless.

Best life to all,

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Lost in the Fire

Today's modern culture suggests that we are very busy individuals loaded with a multitude of tasks to complete by 9pm, along with a full time job, social obligations, vacations, to do lists, church, summer camps, etc. While we're busy planning the future, our present moments suffers.

Where and when do we find happiness in all of this?  Is anyone truly satisfied with running around tirelessly and to what end?

 Granted, there is a time and place for everything.  Having said that, is there time every single day to complete all the tasks on our lists?  Could this be a self-imposed busyness, or even a very well marketed technique?

Technology has advanced in so many ways this past decade.  We have went from dial-up Internet and landline telephones, to wireless internet, smartphones, and Bluetooth headsets.  Social media is everywhere and people are constantly inter-connected with a click of a button on their wireless devices.

While all of this has brought about many positive aspects including communication with long distance family members and knowledge unsurpassed by any former media such as libraries and snail mail, there are some drawbacks as well:

1.  People in society are losing interpersonal communication techniques
      (Try speaking to a teenager glued to their iPhone)

2. Some are quick to believe anything seen on the Internet/social media platform
      (Conspiracy theories, more followers on Instagram=more friends?)

3.  Auto correct on devices are inhibiting reading and spelling abilities, especially in youth
       (Computing skills are excellent, until it consumes an entire existance)

I was one of the best spellers in my school.  Autocorrect has slowed down my ability to recall these skills.

Not that all of the above mentioned are bad things. It's just some food for thought. Live in the Moment

Time to Bust Out the Grill

Spring time means a few things: flowers are budding, colors are being restored to nature, beach body mode is in full effects, AND time to fire up the outdoor food machine!

The grill brings out the most creative and innermost food cravings in a healthy manner.  Since it's almost time to hit the beaches and frequent bonfires, I want to feel amazing doing it as I want to fill the days with the most possible.  Anybody that has been to Michigan knows that good weather isn't common or consistent, so it's good to be prepared for any semi-non-freezable weather conditions.

The preparation step

Upon spotting baby cremini mushrooms in the fridge, there was an easy choice to make: provolone stuffed buttons of deliciousness.  I yanked out the stems quicker than a whack-a-mole arcade game and proceeded to sprinkle Mrs. Dash and shoved in gobs of provolone deli slices.  I rubbed some olive oil on a pie pan and placed the 'shrooms on promptly.  They were placed in the oven for 10 minutes on 375 degrees.

Here's where the grill comes into play

Cocktail shrimp, parsley, minced garlic and more Mrs. Dash are placed on aluminum foil along with sweet baby peppers and mushroom stems.  Salmon doused in garlic, parsley, and a hefty amount of paprika, complete this grill worthy meal.

Voila! The finished product
It's just as appetizing as it looks to the eye.  As I always say, presentation is key.

Best wishes all,


Other recipes: Video My Life


Monday, May 16, 2016


Another day brings forth an opportunity to make a change or improve on a current project.  Today is a day to improve on a current project, this blog.  It didn't dawn on me until last week that this creative outlet has been ready to use at any given time for a few years now.

So why has it taken this long to start posting blogs?  Mindset.  It was in my head that my voice wouldn't make a difference to anyone in this online world.  Instead of blogging I would go shopping, exercise endlessly, or party like I would never socialize again.  Boy was I extremely wrong! This guy has an uncanny ability to speak to anybody, relate to the masses, and to inspire many. Writing has always been a passion of mine, combined with the necessity to be heard.  This is the definition of online journaling (blogging) in my mind and it's such a liberating feeling to have an outlet that can be called my very own.

It is surprisingly more challenging to express feelings through media rather than through voice.  As they say, practice makes perfect right?

Creativity comes in many shapes and forms, mine being varied.  This brain never takes a break, as you'll notice pretty quickly that I tend to ramble and speak to no end...and you know what?  THAT'S OK.  This whole 'sharing my life' thing becomes easier the more that I'm willing to open up and let the world shine in.  There's a lot that each and every one of us has to offer, and this is my wonderful way to offer something that I hope can be of some use.

I woke up as an uncle today, woke up to see another 24 hours, went to the park, ate pizza, took a nap, got inspired to write this...and it's only halfway through the day.

Today's a new start, no matter how daunting it may seem at the moment.  At the start of this blog, I was in a cloudy mood.  Now, the thought put into typing this, has distracted me long enough to have accomplished something.

Have a great life.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I made it to Los Angeles!

Goodbye Michigan, hello new home

The flight to LA may seem daunting to most, being across the country and all, but it went by pretty quickly.  I'm an extremely social person and talked with people everywhere I went:  the airport, passengers on the plane, the taxi driver, random dogs that passed by, you name it.  The flight seemed to last a couple hours max, of course there was a nap involved (my favorite) 

Five star suite, yes.  Amenities out of this world, check.  An adventure to remember, absolutely.  I even found time to work out despite all the excitement.  Since the suite was in the downtown area of LA, it allowed plenty of opportunity to explore.  There was a Whole Foods was nearby, a cultural melting pot, and yours truly.  This was bound to be a wonderful trip.

The original intention in traveling to Los Angeles was to move there permanently.  I had a couple places lined up to tour and see if the roommates and I would be compatible.  These places were not at all what I expected.  They were very small, crowded, and had no privacy whatsoever.  Apparently, moving across the country is more difficult than I had anticipated.  I guess that's the thing about expectations; it allows more room for disappointment.  One of the places I checked out was going to be rented out by a man who already had a couple roommates (in a two bedroom apartment).  I was willing to deal with it as it was in an awesome area.  This guy however was very wishy-washy.  It was very disappointing.  So instead of sitting around analyzing the situation, it was time for an adventure!

This new found perspective brought me to the streets of Beverly Hills on Rodeo Drive.  It was everything I had dreamed it to be and it perfectly matched the photos I had seen on Google- there's an app for that ;)  People everywhere dressed to the nine and a plethora of fancy cars to last a lifetime of visual hunger.  My budget didn't allow for spending much, so I flocked over to the residential area with homes and fancy gardens for days. Loved it.

Venturing on to the edge of Beverly Hills, I mingled onto the streets of West Hollywood.  The rainbow street signs were a huge indicator that it was going to be a glorious time.  Eccentric, outgoing people are my thing!  A dear friend of mine loves the Bravo Show 'Vanderpump Rules' which means I was obligated to waltz on into Sur and then Pump.  This whole scene was a prime opportunity to Snapchat and Instagram everything, literally (sorry fan base, I mean, you're welcome My Insta Life)
 I ended up spending the entire evening in West Hollywood, which felt like 2 seconds.  My night ended up at The Abbey with newly found friends. I'll be frequenting this little gem of an area.

The next day, Hollywood was my main goal.  It was like Las Vegas without the casinos, more artistic, out loud and proud, funtastic adventure.  That's the best way to describe it.  There was a guy doing flips over 4 volunteers, people in full makeup dressed up as movie characters.  The Joker was my fav. as I love Heath Ledger and demented roles in film.

With enough entertainment to last a lifetime, multiple RedBulls would definitely keep me up for days in Hollywood.

The flight home was bittersweet, as I never wanted to leave.  It's all good though because I had such an amazing time and ran into some great people.

Best wishes to all and may your dreams come true.

Check out my:
 YouTube channel
 Insta Ty