Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Living It Up in a Corn Field

Road Trip to Indiana

Summer time is finally upon us and the weather is starting to transform my whole being.  The flowers are blossoming, the grass is growing again, the birds are chirping, and I'm done hibernating inside under a warm comforter.
My sister and I decided this was a perfect opportunity to venture into Indiana.  Half our family lives in the corn state, so we have no problem finding things to do.  My niece and nephew came along with us, and they are little spit fires, so they definitely kept us busy.  They were able to run across acres of field in our grandparents back yard without worry of high traffic rates and other dangers.  It's more care free living in the good 'ol country.
There's nothing better than spending time with children and our elderly grandparents.  The kids are great at occupying us (and sometimes driving us bonkers), while our grandparents are wonderful at keeping our lives in perspective.
Land for Days
It's so peaceful here.  I can think, breathe, and take all of the nature and scenery into every ounce of my being.  This doesn't happen enough in the city.  I lived in Ann Arbor for several years.  The lifestyles in the city are so much more distracting and fast-paced.  That makes it more difficult to appreciate the small things.  Don't get me wrong, the city is wonderful.  It's also great to slow down.
When I was a child, Indiana seemed more boring than it is today.  Apparently go-go-go was more preferable at an impressionable age.  It's with age that I want to stop and smell the roses more often.  Rushing around is no longer my go-to method.
So in conclusion, I'm a city boy at heart, but I love the country as well.  The city is my prime time & I'll save the country for the golden years.
Crisp Sunset
Live your best life,

Life is short; make the best of every situation

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