Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Lost in the Fire

Today's modern culture suggests that we are very busy individuals loaded with a multitude of tasks to complete by 9pm, along with a full time job, social obligations, vacations, to do lists, church, summer camps, etc. While we're busy planning the future, our present moments suffers.

Where and when do we find happiness in all of this?  Is anyone truly satisfied with running around tirelessly and to what end?

 Granted, there is a time and place for everything.  Having said that, is there time every single day to complete all the tasks on our lists?  Could this be a self-imposed busyness, or even a very well marketed technique?

Technology has advanced in so many ways this past decade.  We have went from dial-up Internet and landline telephones, to wireless internet, smartphones, and Bluetooth headsets.  Social media is everywhere and people are constantly inter-connected with a click of a button on their wireless devices.

While all of this has brought about many positive aspects including communication with long distance family members and knowledge unsurpassed by any former media such as libraries and snail mail, there are some drawbacks as well:

1.  People in society are losing interpersonal communication techniques
      (Try speaking to a teenager glued to their iPhone)

2. Some are quick to believe anything seen on the Internet/social media platform
      (Conspiracy theories, more followers on Instagram=more friends?)

3.  Auto correct on devices are inhibiting reading and spelling abilities, especially in youth
       (Computing skills are excellent, until it consumes an entire existance)

I was one of the best spellers in my school.  Autocorrect has slowed down my ability to recall these skills.

Not that all of the above mentioned are bad things. It's just some food for thought. Live in the Moment

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