Saturday, June 25, 2016

Natural Anti Depressant

Kids, The Cure

As a person who hardly ever sleeps more than an hour at a time, it is difficult to be positive, let alone level-headed.  To help alleviate some of the negativity I fill out a gratitude list every morning/afternoon since it's generally hard to get out of bed.

Gratitude becomes easier as I fill out a paper daily.  I started out being able to write down only one of two items to appreciate about my life.  Slowly, but surely I'm able to write down roughly ten items daily.  (pats self on the back).

Children are my number one joy in life.  They are so free-spirited and not jaded by life situations.  Kids are extremely impressionable and I'm very happy to have a wonderful niece and nephew to call family.  These magical creatures of joy give a profound sense of purpose.  Suddenly my life feels lighter and more joyful!  I am more focused on taking care of them rather than always concentrating on myself.   

The key is progress.  It's one thing to think positive thoughts and attempt to keep track of them in the mind.  It's a whole other perspective to write a daily 'grateful journal' if you will.  Anyone that is challenged with mental health issues or just negative emotional problems should definitely fill out a list of things in which to appreciate the life you've been given.

There is nobody quite like you and no two people are alike.  This is something to love about life right off the bat.  The possibilities are endless.  It'd be pretty boring to walk around seeing all the same personalities, goals, dreams, desires.

Change starts with making a simple choice to accept greatness into your life and my life as well.  

Share with me how you stay positive or become positive over time. Let's lift each other up and remind ourselves constantly that this too shall pass, good and bad.

Love your life, 


Follow Me:
Snapchat: swankster07


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Freedom of Expression

It's devastating to think that it's not safe to express ourselves in our modern day society.

The recent attack at the Orlando nightclub has left us all wondering: was it an act out of hatred or a terrorist message?  Hopefully this question will be answered in an appropriate way.

The NRA defends the 2nd Amendment, which begs a very important question: are there enough regulations concerning weapons and their attainability?  My response is no.  Sure, convicted felons aren't allowed to carry weapons, but who's to say that citizens aren't purchasing guns for the unlawful?  There needs to be stricter rules in place that lower the probability of these attacks to occur. "Guns don't kill people, people kill people".  Although it's a valid argument, hatred and poor education at home lead to acts of violence.

It's alright to disagree with a group of people but let's debate with each other rather than resorting to violence that doesn't solve anything.  We should be coinciding as a nation, not tearing each other apart.  Freedom of choice is wonderful IN A RESPONSIBLE FORM.

Vote for those in November 2016 who abide my morals rather than than personal choice. The evidence is pretty clear in that there should be more predominant regulations.

Best wishes all,


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Don't Miss It

Is It Too Late?

As a collective society, humans tend to focus on themselves and their immediate group of people (family, friends, co-workers).  
Some of us go about our days focusing on the current tasks/obstacles at hand.  I'm not saying it's wrong, but what happens in the meantime with those anti-social folks that our busyness tends to ignore?

Mental health is an increasingly discussed and researched topic as we are seeing more tragedies and losses due to the malfunctioning of the brain structure.  People associated with mental health issues seem to be set aside from those whom are 'emotionally stable'.  

The above mentioned screams attention to the fact that everyone in our society should be more adamant with treating and supporting those who suffer daily with emotional/mental issues.  Support groups and discussions are simple ways to help alleviate some of the side effects of disorders such as bipolar or chronic depression.

"Start at home with understanding and being the most emotionally available to those who need it"

Simple Ways to Balance Emotions
  1. Check in daily with everyone in your household (over a meal)
  2. Avoid distractions such as mobile devices or TV while conversing with each other. 
  3. Pet therapy is alright as a substitute for people if there is nobody in your home.
  4. Express yourself as much as possible.
  5. Consider going to a therapist.
  6. Read a book when feeling down.  It's a great way to temporarily 'escape' the negative mind chatter. 
The old adage is very prevalent to this topic of emotional stability, and here's a spin on it:
"Misery loves company, yet happiness does as well".

Live your best life possible.  Choose greatness. We're all on Earth temporarily so make it count.


Snapchat: swankster07 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Look For The Best


Everything in our lives require a choice.  These choices being with thoughts, which lead to action, and ultimately end up as our reality.

In this spirit, I've chosen to think only positive thoughts.  Something wonderful is going to happen in my life today.

I woke up today after working a 12 hour shift last night.  My thought process was very foggy and also negative.  I was so wired from having to stay up for so long.  My brain was on overload and I hardly slept at all.  Even though sleep deprivation is very common for me, it doesn't warrant a bad attitude.  So I resorted to my gratitude list.

I didn't feel like writing down anything at all in which to be thankful.  It took me a minute to consider the idea that I can be grateful during a low point in my mindset.  IT'S ALL A CHOICE.

Before I knew it there were six items that I appreciated:
  1. Compassion for the elderly
  2. My youth and ability to endure
  3. Having and able body and mind
  4.  Thankful that my grandparents are still alive
  5. Appreciation for my ability to make people laugh
  6. I can talk and relate to anyone
I am proof that anybody can be grateful give the right attitude.  Choose to be amazing & you just might surprise yourself.  You might even inspire others.  Possibility is everywhere; keep searching for your purpose.

Best wishes all

Peace For All

Let's Get Along

It's unfortunate that the wonderful United States of America is the target of hateful groups that want to harm us. Citizens and immigrants alike reside in this country longing to fulfill dreams and live ordinary, along with extraordinary lives.

Organized religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. shouldn't persuade anyone to make harmful decisions that affect our entire nation. Too many times does a group of people suffer from the acts of an idea that another group is superior to the other

Again, if were all here to have freedom, how is it alright for a group to decide on the goal/status of our unique and powerful way of life as a whole nation? Hate doesn't solve anything as it only makes a situation worse.

I don't hate any religion or group of people as I seek to understand the motives behind their behaviors. Face value is just as it implies: AN IMAGE! Let's not be quick to judge a book by its cover.

Let us all live like we're on a playground kicking through the sand and focusing on our own adventures. We don't have to agree, but we should be acting in a civil manner. After all, part of being an adult is growing up and continuing to learn as we age. It's all temporary; don't take everything so seriously.

Namaste all. Live your best life

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Heat Wave

Splash Away Your Worries

90° days warrant an extensive day at a water park. It's official Michigan, summer is here! Let's keep it this way forever.

My sister and I have always been really great friends, so it's natural that we ventured to a 'Flash Flood' with my niece in toe. Since the little nugget is only 2 years old, we weren't sure how much adventure was in store.

Her apprehension started our little journey into the water..this could potentially be a disaster & a meltdown waiting to happen.

The complete opposite occurred during our stay. She had a blast! People everywhere and floating devices for days amazed her to end. So much so that she was paralyzed for a few minutes in sensory overload.

My sister and I also had a really good time, especially watching her daughter splash around the soaked city. It was also a prime opportunity to utilize an important tool:  Snapchat :)

Michigan weather isn't usually the greatest, so every wonderful day elicits an activity outdoors. 

When they say 'make all your days seem like the last one', we hit that nail on the head today. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Respect Yourself

Everybody Deserves It

Imagine waking up at 3am and not being able to sleep. There are a million thoughts processing through the brain, new ones and old.  The idea of reminiscing isn't only for good memories but also for the bad..or is it?  Constant turmoil and over-analyzing flood the neuro pathway structure in the brain.

Now think of that same sleepless event happening every single night.  That happens to yours truly, and it has been occurring for around 7 years now.  Some days it's nearly impossible to get out of bed.  My body wants to stay at rest all day, even though that doesn't promise any sort of sleep.  It's extremely debilitating at times.

Having said the above mentioned, the sleep deprived Ty can function fairly well.  Some days I'm even full of positive energy.  Most of it is forced..or at least was forced, until it became an automatic response to my life.

The moral of my story is this:  We're all going through struggles which is why we should all respect each other.  You may not know what I'm going through, just like I may not know that you suffer from bipolar disorder.  

Respect and decency starts with myself.  I have to take care of my body, even though my body doesn't always take care of me.  Self care is accomplished by eating a healthy vegetable and fruit-forward diet, minimal processed foods, exercise, lots of water, and gratitude.  Sure, some days are better than others with the dieting.  That's alright, get back on the wagon asap.

I've found that forcing myself to compliment others when I'm feeling down or lifeless helps distract me from that mode of being to promoting their self image and raising mine at the same time. Win-win.

Pass it along and share this post.  Respect one another.


Follow Me:
Snapchat: swankster07

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Life Taught Me Well

Quiet Desperation

It's said that the teacher is quietest during the test.  This couldn't be more relevant today. 

I woke up today wondering how I ended up in the position I am in life.  It isn't an unhealthy analysis, just meant to reflect on past experiences, mistakes, and successes.  All these elements add up to the current situation.

In the past I've avoided these elements by telling myself that it'll 'all work out.'  Yeaaa, about that.  Come to find out, it doesn't operate that way at all.  Life is mostly all choice. I can choose to be happy, choose to make better/different decisions, pick friends that are motivated and people that I aspire to be.  It's also said that a person is the average of the top 5 friends in which they spend the most time.

In that spirit, it's detrimental for me to choose people that are more advanced and further along in their journey than I am.  I'm not trying to be hard on myself, but it's part of the growth process.  I can get depressed or choose to learn from the scars and bruises that are inevitable in this lifetime.  It's alright because the hurt and pain only make me stronger. That is my mindset.

This is an intentional decision to create a better life for myself and others. It's my hope and dream to further our current world into a place where everyone feels loved and accepted.

It'll help us all produce better outcomes for our futures. Be positive through the storms and continue that spirit throughout the successes as well.  

Best wishes to all,


Follow Me:
Snapchat: swankster07

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Support Our Future Society

The Upcoming Generation
As a person who loves dealing with children, it is extremely detrimental in our society to hone in on their creativity.  Let me explain why:
  1. They are most impressionable from birth to the age of 18.  This is an opportunity to foster their environment in a positive way.  Educators and parents alike are responsible for this impact.  Also, people like myself who enjoy enriching their lives.
  2. Education is key to their development.  It's in learning numbers, letters, and colors that kick-start their ability to extend their knowledge in other areas such as communication with those around them and expressing themselves in a positive way.
  3. Children are our future society.  They will become our engineers, technologists, educators, and our law enforcement.  The more we teach them, the more they are going to think critically.  Weighing out options and prioritizing are more likely to be their knowledge base.
My favorite part of  expressing opinions and ideas on a blog is the sharing in hopes that we will live in a productive way so that our children and their little ones will be productive and advance the world in a positive way.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.  Namaste.
Best wishes all,
Follow Me:
Snapchat: swankster07

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Family Trip Detour

My sister, nephew, niece, and I packed up our beach towels, sunscreen, bathing suits, and ventured onto the road toward a water park an hour from home. Upon arrival we noticed plenty of children running around the soaked out city of wonder along with several staff members attempting to keep track of all the activity happening around them.

As we entered the ticketing part of the facility, the receptionist proceeded to tell us that the park was closed.  We asked her why children and staff were soaking up the sun and enjoying the water attractions.  Her response was that the facility doesn't open until the week after the holidays, the current one being Memorial Day.  Come to find out, the group had rented out the building for the day.
Pretty strange response. 

It's funny that even Google thought the water park was open. I clearly expressed my frustration with the lady (politely), offering Google's name up in concern to the false advertising, given we had driven an hour to get there.  She asked us to wait so that she could "verify our information" and apologized as she knew we were correct.  We got free passes for our next visit as a remorse offering.

So, we ended up at a garage sale, got the kids some toys, and headed to a zoo.  We were all fairly pleased with the experience. Long story short, make the best of every situation.  Life is too short to be angry enough to let it ruin a day, a week, or even longer.  Let it go and move in.  That's what we did and it turned out well.

Best wishes all,


Follow Me:
Snapchat: swankster07