Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Look For The Best


Everything in our lives require a choice.  These choices being with thoughts, which lead to action, and ultimately end up as our reality.

In this spirit, I've chosen to think only positive thoughts.  Something wonderful is going to happen in my life today.

I woke up today after working a 12 hour shift last night.  My thought process was very foggy and also negative.  I was so wired from having to stay up for so long.  My brain was on overload and I hardly slept at all.  Even though sleep deprivation is very common for me, it doesn't warrant a bad attitude.  So I resorted to my gratitude list.

I didn't feel like writing down anything at all in which to be thankful.  It took me a minute to consider the idea that I can be grateful during a low point in my mindset.  IT'S ALL A CHOICE.

Before I knew it there were six items that I appreciated:
  1. Compassion for the elderly
  2. My youth and ability to endure
  3. Having and able body and mind
  4.  Thankful that my grandparents are still alive
  5. Appreciation for my ability to make people laugh
  6. I can talk and relate to anyone
I am proof that anybody can be grateful give the right attitude.  Choose to be amazing & you just might surprise yourself.  You might even inspire others.  Possibility is everywhere; keep searching for your purpose.

Best wishes all

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